The Carleton Place ComicCon is a fund raiser for the local food bank, and a local shelter. It's been operating since 2018, with the exception of 2021, when the Covid-19 pandemic forced it to postponed its 4th edition
Since 2022, I have been happy to volunteer with them, as their photographer.
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Dead Pool (or at least a sculpture of Dead Pool) was on hand to pose for photos with Convention attendees.
Two volunteers hard at work in preparations for the opening of the 2022 edition.
John, the founder of Carleton Place Comic-Con, also had a booth, called Whizz Bang.
John Partington, a local author, usually has a booth to sell some of his books.  He is pictured here during the 2023 edition.
Shameless Envy is a regular vendor, offering unusual fare. The owner is pictured here during the 2024 edition.
Retro Jord's,  a vendor from the 2023 edition
From 2024: Sodjart, one of the artists on hand to sell their work displays his portrait of the Teen-aged Mutant Ninja Turtles.
From 2024: a local comic-book writer displays one of his titles, Ed Kills The Dead,  and his wood-burning artwork.
Kah-boom comics, a regular vendor at the con.
Comic Detective, one of the comic books vendor who regularly attends the con, posing in front of his wall of comic.
A Star Trek themed flask, available from Thor's Trinket, a regular vendor at the convention
Maverick Donuts is a major sponsor of Comic-con. Since 2024 was the 6th edition of the Con, the theme was Big Hero Six, and Maverick decorated some doughnuts to reflect the theme.
2023: A volunteer-organiser, who used to own a baking business, brought some cup-caked and super-hero themed cookies. The sale of those goods went to help the charities supported by Carleton Place Comic-con
The Clarence-Rockland Ghostbusters are usually on hand to keep the ghosts away... and to entertain the fans.
Representatives from the Dr. Who Society of Ottawa are always on hand, to share their passion for their favourite show. And they bring some of the things they build, to recreate the world of the Doctor . Here, the dalek ambulates through the crowd and interacted with the children.
Since 2023, a game room has been available, where people can play various board games, or other games. Here, an attendee plays with the giant Jenga tower during the 2024 edition.
It would not be a Comic-Con without Darth Vader, and members of the 501 Legion of Ottawa.
An Imperial officer on hand to assist, and take orders from, Darth Vader.
Some clone soldiers attending the 2023 edition
Fortunately, Jedi and rebels were also on hand, to make sure the Imperial officers did not cause undue trouble. From 2023
A steampunk cosplayer, in 2022
A cosplayer from the 2022 edition
2023: Our friendly neighbour Spider-man dropped by.
Kingpin, from the Spider-Man universe, always makes an appearance at the convention. This photo is from the 2024 edition.
They've both been coming to the con for a few years. We were lucky in the past, but it was inevitable that sooner or later, the Marvel Comics enemies would run into each other, and that confrontation would ensue.
Spider-man remains a popular costume, with a number of cosplayers dressing up as their favorite webslinger. Here, a yound Spidey takes the pose.
Peter Parker as a father with Baby Spider-Man. You may remember seeing them in "Across the Spider-verse"
This Spider-Man cosplayer has been attending many events in Ottawa, and is always a hit with children. Because we tend to attend the same events, we tend to see each other a lots, and finding new ways to do photos together. For the 2024 edition of Carleton Place, I was glad when he suggested we go outside and that he wanted to take some photos on the snow bank..
A couple of cosplayers from the 2023 edition
From 2023: a yound Wonder Woman fan dressed as her hero.
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
The Punisher with a Joker mask. From 2023
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
A cosplayer from the 2023 edition
Cruella DeVil only brought one of her many, many dalmatians.
A cosplayer from 2024
A cosplayer from 2024
A cosplayer from 2024
It's morphin' time! A Power Rangers fan from the next generation attends the 2024 edition with his parents.
From the 2024 edition, a cosplay inspired by Wednesday and the Addams Family universe.
The organisers of Carleton Place Comic-Con, with a representative to the Carleton Place food bank, and the donations that the show helped raise.
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